Search by tags

  • To search by tags, start typing the name of the tag in the search bar.
  • A list of suggested tags will appear. Select the required tag using the Tab key, or Up and Down arrow keys.
  • For tags with spaces in the name, it is recommended to start typing with a foward slash “/”.

Using logical operators

  • It is possible to customize your search by using logical operators (AND, OR, and NOT) and parantheses.

Example search:

(Tag1 or Tag2) and Tag3 not Tag4

The above searches the entire Ritt database for items that are tagged to Tag1 and Tag3, or Tag2 and Tag3, but not to Tag4.

  • If you would like to perform a search based on the current context, start the search using an operator

Example search:

not (Tag1 or Tag2)

The above will return results that are from the current context, which are not tagged to Tag1 or Tag2.