Scripting API

Table of contents
  1. Preamble
    1. Definitions
    2. API usage
    3. Sending commands (Python example)
    4. Closing the connection
  2. APIs
    1. Get Tag Root
    2. Get Children Tags
    3. Get Parent Tag
    4. Get All Tags
    5. Get Tag Name
    6. Create tags
    7. Delete tags
    8. Rename tag
    9. Get Tag Alias
    10. Set Tag Alias
    11. Duplicate tags
    12. Move tags
    13. Tagging
    14. Untagging
    15. Get Datums by Tag



  • Datum: A file, folder or task to be organized by Ritt

API usage

Ritt APIs are called by sending JSON-formatted strings, called Commands, to localhost. To enable scripting, go to Settings -> Scripting -> Enable Scripting. The default address and port is You can change the port number from Settings -> Scripting -> Port number. The response is also in the form of a JSON-formatted string. To authenticate a Command, an access key is required. This can be obtained from Settings -> Scripting -> Enable Scripting. In this documentation, we will use Python to call Ritt APIs, although other languages can used as well.

Sending commands (Python example)

import socket, json, struct

# Set the IP address and port to connect to
ip_address = ""
port = 52848

# Create a socket object
client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

# Connect to the server
	client_socket.connect((ip_address, port))
	print("Connected to Ritt")
except Exception as e:
	# Handle any exception
	print("An error occurred:", e)

def sendCommand(cmd): 
    # Prefix each message with a 4-byte length (native byte order)
    msg = json.dumps(cmd).encode('utf-8')
    msg = struct.pack('@i', len(msg)) + msg
    # convert to json str and send through socket

    # Receive response from Ritt
    # Read message length and unpack it into an integer
    raw_msglen = recvall(client_socket, 4)
    if not raw_msglen:
        return None
    msglen = struct.unpack('@i', raw_msglen)[0]

    # Read the message data
    received_data = recvall(client_socket, msglen)
    response = received_data.decode('utf-8')

def recvall(sock, n):
    # Response can potentially be very long, and might be carried by different packets
	# ref:
    data = bytearray()
    while len(data) < n:
        packet = sock.recv(n - len(data))
        if not packet:
            return None
    return data

Closing the connection



Get Tag Root

Get the name and ID of the root tag.

command = {
    "AccessKey": "get-key-from-settings-scripting",

Response The name and ID of the root tag

  "Command": "GetTagRoot",
  "Response": "OK",
  "Result": {
    "Name": "🏷",
    "ID": 2

Get Children Tags

Get the names and IDs of all children tags of a tag, to be located by ID. This can be called repeatedly to iterate the tag tree.

Required parameters

  • TagID: ID of the tag of interest
command = {
    "AccessKey": "get-key-from-settings-scripting",
    "Command": "GetChildrenTags",
        "TagID": 22,

Response The names and IDs of all children tags

  "Command": "GetChildrenTags",
  "Response": "OK",
  "Result": [
      "Name": "Alpha",
      "ID": 31
      "Name": "Bravo",
      "ID": 243
      "Name": "Charlie",
      "ID": 244

Get Parent Tag

Get the name and ID of the parent tag of a tag, to be located by ID.

Required parameters

  • TagID: ID of the tag of interest
command = {
    "AccessKey": "get-key-from-settings-scripting",
    "Command": "GetParentTag",
        "TagID": 22,

Response The name and ID of the parent tag

  "Command": "GetParentTag",
  "Response": "OK",
  "Result": {
    "Name": "Tags for testing",
    "ID": 266

Get All Tags

Get all the tags in the database.

command = {
    "AccessKey": "get-key-from-settings-scripting",
    "Command": "GetAllTags"

Response The names and IDs of all tags

  "Command": "GetAllTags",
  "Response": "OK",
  "Result": [
      "Name": "Tag1",
      "ID": 545
      "Name": "Tag2",
      "ID": 698

Get Tag Name

Get the name of a tag, specified by ID.

Required parameters

  • TagID: ID of the tag of interest
command = {
    "AccessKey": "get-key-from-settings-scripting",
    "Command": "GetTagName",
        "TagID": 244,

Response The name and ID of the tag

  "Command": "GetTagName",
  "Response": "OK",
  "Result": "Charlie"

Create tags

Create new tags under a parent tag.

Required parameters

  • ParentTagID: ID of the parent tag
  • TagNames: Names of the all the children tags to be created
command = {
    "AccessKey": "get-key-from-settings-scripting",
    "Command": "CreateTags",
        "ParentTagID": 22,
        "TagNames": ["Delta", "Echo"]

Response The names and IDs of newly created tags

  "Command": "CreateTags",
  "Response": "OK",
  "Result": [
      "Name": "Delta",
      "ID": 196
      "Name": "Echo",
      "ID": 198

Delete tags

Delete tags by ID

Required parameters

  • TagIDs: IDs of the target tags
command = {
    "AccessKey": "get-key-from-settings-scripting",
    "Command": "DeleteTags",
        "TagIDs": [196, 198]


  "Command": "DeleteTags",
  "Response": "OK"

Rename tag

Rename a tag

Required parameters

  • TagID: ID of the target tag
  • NewName: New name
command = {
    "AccessKey": "get-key-from-settings-scripting",
    "Command": "RenameTag",
        "TagID": 219,
        "NewName": "Foxtrot"


  "Command": "RenameTag",
  "Response": "OK"

Get Tag Alias

Get the alias of a tag

Required parameters

  • TagID: ID of the target tag
command = {
    "AccessKey": "get-key-from-settings-scripting",
    "Command": "GetTagAlias",
        "TagID": 673


  "Command": "GetTagAlias",
  "Response": "OK",
  "Result": "Some alias"

Set Tag Alias

Set the alias of a tag

Required parameters

  • TagID: ID of the target tag
  • NewAlias: New alias
command = {
    "AccessKey": "get-key-from-settings-scripting",
    "Command": "SetTagAlias",
        "TagID": 673,        
        "NewAlias": "Some other alias"


  "Command": "SetTagAlias",
  "Response": "OK"

Duplicate tags

Duplicate tags by ID

Required parameters

  • TagIDs: IDs of the target tags
command = {
    "AccessKey": "get-key-from-settings-scripting",
    "Command": "DuplicateTags",
        "TagIDs": [219, 224]

Response Names and IDs of the duplicated tags

  "Command": "DuplicateTags",
  "Response": "OK",
  "Result": [
      "Name": "Foxtrot",
      "ID": 226
      "Name": "Echo",
      "ID": 236

Move tags

Moves tags to a new parent tag

Required parameters

  • TagIDs: IDs of the target tags
  • DestinationID: ID of the new parent tag
command = {
    "AccessKey": "get-key-from-settings-scripting",
    "Command": "MoveTags",
        "TagIDs": [196, 198],
		"DestinationID": 266,

Response Names and IDs of successfully moved tags

  "Command": "MoveTags",
  "Response": "OK",
  "Result": [
      "Name": "Delta",
      "ID": 196
      "Name": "Echo",
      "ID": 198


Apply tags to datums, located by either path (file or folder) or ID (file, folder or task). Invalid DatumPaths, DatumIDs or TagIDs will generate warning.

Optional parameters

  • DatumPaths: Absolute paths of the files/folders to be tagged
  • DatumIDs: IDs of datums to be tagged Specify at least one of the above parameters.

Required parameters

  • TagIDs: IDs of tags to be applied
command = {
    "AccessKey": "get-key-from-settings-scripting",
    "Command": "Tag",
        "DatumPaths": [r"full\path\to\datum\one", r"full\path\to\datum\two"],
		"DatumIDs": [321],
        "TagIDs": [22,31]

Response The names, IDs and paths (if applicable) of successfully tagged datums

  "Command": "Tag",
  "Response": "OK",
  "Result": [
      "Name": "one",
      "ID": 224,
      "Path": "full\\path\\to\\datum\\one"
      "Name": "two",
      "ID": 236,
      "Path": "full\\path\\to\\datum\\two"
      "Name": "Task A",
      "ID": 321


Removing tags from datums. Invalid DatumPaths, DatumIDs or TagIDs will generate warning.

Optional parameters

  • DatumPaths: Absolute paths of the files/folders to be tagged
  • DatumIDs: IDs of datums to be tagged Specify at least one of the above parameters.

Required parameters

  • TagIDs: IDs of tags to be applied
command = {
    "AccessKey": "get-key-from-settings-scripting",
    "Command": "Untag",
        "DatumPaths": [r"full\path\to\datum\one", r"full\path\to\datum\two"],
		"DatumIDs": [321],
        "TagIDs": [22,31]

Response The names, IDs and paths (if applicable) of successfully untagged datums

  "Command": "Untag",
  "Response": "OK",
  "Result": [
      "Name": "one",
      "ID": 224,
      "Path": "full\\path\\to\\datum\\one"
      "Name": "two",
      "ID": 236,
      "Path": "full\\path\\to\\datum\\two"
      "Name": "Task A",
      "ID": 321

Get Datums by Tag

Get all datums associated with a tag. This includes:

  • Datums directly tagged by this tag
  • Datums of children tags if this tags has the attribute Dashboard
  • Integrated children datums

Required parameters

  • TagID: ID of the target tag
command = {
    "AccessKey": "get-key-from-settings-scripting",
    "Command": "GetDatumsByTag",
        "TagID": 31

Response Name, ID and Path (if is file/folder) of all associated datums

  "Command": "GetDatumsByTag",
  "Response": "OK",
  "Result": [
      "Name": "item1",
      "ID": 145,
      "Path": "path\\to\\item1"
      "Name": "item2",
      "ID": 119,
      "Path": "path\\to\\item2"